Thursday, October 31, 2013


Today is the last day of October. That means it is mere weeks until Thanksgiving which I happen to love as much as Christmas. Maybe more. It is the one time every year that my family has always made it a priority to see one another. We are spread out all over from Maine (where my uncle just purchased the Black Boar Inn-- check it out-- Fabulous and historical!) to North Carolina and all the way to me, here in good old Indiana). We have a lot of fun together, and the time we all have with one another gets less and less as we get older and more busy.
Anyway, I love Thanksgiving. And this year I feel I have to ton to be thankful for. Besides my beautiful babies (have you seen how cute they are?!?!) and sweet husband, Remmy & Co has kept me fairly busy and I have loved watching it grow steadily. That brings me to the freebie!!! As with Halloween, I went hunting for a free printable that would work in my small 4x6 frame with no luck. All the beautiful things out there are made for 8x10 or 5x7 so it was time to make my own! It is simple but has quatrefoil so what isn't to love??

Here is the link for you to download it. I hope your holidays are filled with love... and food, of course. 

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